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Belarus-Russia relations

Belarus-Russia: as relations improve, vain hopes grow

January 15 – January 21

The EEU Customs Code took effect

January 8 – January 14

Annual review 2017: Belarus and Russia accustomed to the “new normality”

January 1 – January 7

Belarus and Russia have put in order oil cooperation and are preparing for the Customs Code to enter into force

December 11 – December 17

Belarus and Russia are likely to reconcile most issues before the year-end

December 4 – December 10

Belarus and Russia accommodate to the “new normal”

November 27 – December 3

Minsk and Moscow have agreed on the gas issue and avoided confrontation over Belarus’ participation in the Eastern Partnership

November 20 – November 26

Minsk sides with Moscow on strategic foreign policy issues and defends its independence on practical ones

November 13 – November 19

Minsk is against the EEU integration at a faster pace and the expansion of the powers of supranational bodies

November 6 – November 12

Belarus strengthens border controls with Russia

November 6 – November 12

No conflicts or improvements in relations with Russia

October 30 – November 5

Some issues in Russo-Belarusian relations have been resolved before the trial against Regnum journalists

October 23 – October 29

Contradictions are accumulating in Russo-Belarusian relations

October 16 – October 22

Belarus attempts to enhance her role in post-Soviet integration bodies

October 9 – October 15

Belarus is preparing for Sochi Summits

October 2 – October 8