Political parties are trying to influence the Belarusian-European agenda; the movement against the “draft determent law” is taking shape

Political organizations are actively engaging in a dialogue with the authorities regarding amendments to the electoral code and have somewhat succeeded in lobbying amendments to the bill on political parties and public organizations. Environmental activists in Brest and Svetlahorsk and the movement against the “draft determent law” are attempting to act within the existing legal framework to achieve their goals.
Political organizations have somewhat succeeded in promoting reforms agenda and some of their proposals have been accepted by the authorities responsible for the bill amending the legislation on political parties and public associations. For instance, the authorities aim to abandon the proposed amendment to restrict wages of political parties and public associations’ employees to 40% of the overall income of an organization and the clause proposing to issue a certificate of state registration to public associations. This came as a result of public pressure, a poll on the Justice Ministry’s website and in social media.
“Belaya Rus” quango also supported some proposals of democratic organisations and lobbied own amendments, such as, for example, enabling legal address of an association at the public association head’s workplace. The parliament will consider the bill after the parliamentary elections, rather than before as was initially planned.
Last week, representatives of political parties and public associations held a meeting in parliament to discuss amendments to the electoral legislation. Apparently, the parties would like to strengthen their influence on the Belarusian-European agenda and on international observers as regards the upcoming elections in Belarus.
The Fair World party has stepped up its activity and is attempting to protect the interest of its potential supporters. For example, they have appealed to the National Bank proposing to oblige banks to justify in writing the decision to deny a loan.
Environmental activists in Brest and Svetlahorsk have not abandoned their activism and attempt to work within the existing legal framework. For instance, human rights activists from Svetlahorsk, after numerous attempts to obtain an authorization to hold a rally, have filed a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee. Activists from Brest lodged a similar complaint to the prosecutor general.
According to a statement on the ProtestBY telegram channel, activists protesting the “draft determent law” have already filed 17 applications to hold pickets in Mahileu and Minsk. ProtestBY has also initiated a fundraising campaign to support protest activity and social media advertising. To avoid mass protests, the authorities have decided that the amended law on conscripts will not be applied in the ongoing conscription campaign.
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