Political organizations join hands in response to clampdown; civil society continues fundraising efforts to aid healthcare providers

By Zmicier Kuchlej
Human rights activists and political organizations have come together in response to clampdown by the authorities and appealed to the international community pointing to repressions in Belarus. Political organizations abandon mutual criticism and coordinate efforts to support victims of law enforcers’ actions. Crowdfunding initiatives have resumed fundraising to help doctors.
Human rights activists have promptly responded to the detention and criminal charges against Viktar Babaryka and members of his initiative group, recognizing them as political prisoners.
Human rights activists and political organisations have appealed to the international community about enhanced repressions against activists and the emergence of political prisoners in the country. Right-centrists prompted their partners from the European People’s Party to respond. EPP members in EP issued a statement last week about the situation in Belarus, criticizing the authorities’ actions.
Political parties are attempting to organize public actions and work with protest groups within the electoral legislation, which, however, does not safeguard neither organizers, nor random participants from repressions by security forces, who generously apply detentions, arrests and heavy fines.
Political organizations have focused on a solidarity campaign with detained politicians, activists, journalists, and bloggers. Crowded actions of solidarity were held in the centre of Minsk and in other cities across the country within the electoral legislation. In the capital, queues of indifferent people stretched for several kilometers despite obstacles put by the authorities and detentions enforced by OMON.
Civic activists continued to support healthcare providers despite the damage caused by the authorities as they blocked accounts of crowdfunding platforms MolaMola and Ulej. The initiative # ByCovid19 swiftly responded with a new mechanism of direct transfers available on its website.
In the future, civil society’s efforts will focus on aiding victims of arbitrary actions by the authorities.
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Situation in Belarus