The integration plan with Russia initialled

Prime Ministers Siarhei Rumas and Dmitry Medvedev have agreed on a Russo-Belarusian integration programme: roadmaps attached to the programme have increased in number to 31.
On September 6th, 2019 Prime Ministers of Belarus and Russia, Rumas and Medvedev, initialled the Russo-Belarusian integration programme. The programme is a framework plan for the progressive implementation of included roadmaps. Roadmaps, in turn, are unification plans for economic conditions in different spheres. Their number has increased to 31 from 10 initially.
According to Medvedev, roadmaps yet do not contain concrete measures required to adopt relevant legislation. According to Oreshkin, gas and oil issues are also included in the roadmaps, however, the gas roadmap is designed for at least four years. Hence, a separate agreement will have to be concluded for the next year or two.
The state media modestly reported about the meeting between Rumas and Medvedev, columnist Artsem Shraiban said in his telegram channel that the presidential administration was pursuing a policy of silencing Rumas’ activities not only with regard to the integration but also, for example, regarding his participation in the opening of a school.
During the millenary celebrations in Brest, Lukashenka had threatened Moscow that he would find alternative suppliers of oil and gas. According to Lukashenka’s reservation, Belarus appears to insist on the supply of 10-15 billion cubic metres of gas and, accordingly, 7-8 million tons of crude oil for domestic use on favourable terms, and the rest on commercial terms. The parties aim to sign the entire package of documents, including the integration programme, the roadmaps, and gas and oil agreements by December 8th, 2019.
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