Belarusian Round Table in Warsaw 24 September

Place: Press-centre of Polish Press Agency (Centrum Prasowe PAP), ul. Bracka 6/8, Warsaw
Date: 24th September 2012, 10:00-15:00
The office of MEP dr. Marek Migalski organises the Belarusian Round Table in Warsaw on 24th September 2012, the next day after the parliamentary elections in Belarus. The conference will be dedicated to the political situation in Belarus.
The aim of the Belarusian Round Table is to sum up the pre-election campaign and elections to the Parliament itself, to analyse the political situation and observance of human rights in the country, as well as to discuss Belarus–European Union relations.
The conference will consists of 3 sessions:
“Belarus since the presidential elections to the parliamentary elections”
“The pre-election campaign and elections to the Parliament in Belarus”
“Belarus’ postelection perspective in an European context”
The next panellists will take part at the Belarusian Round Table: Zhanna Litvina, the chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, who will tell about the freedom of speech in Belarus; Irina Bogdanova, the founder of Free Belarus Now, who will tell about the persecution of oppositionists and about the situation of her brother, a presidential candidate Andrey Sannikau and Aliona Kavalenka, who will present the situation of her husband, Siarhei Kavalenka. The next speakers will become a part of the conference as well: dr Mariusz Maszkiewicz, a Polish former ambassador in Republic of Belarus, dr Katarzyna Pisarska, the director of the European Academy of Diplomacy, Anna Dyner, the expert from the Polish Institute of Public Affairs, Paweł Usow, a Belarusian political scientist, an expert and the founder of the Belarusian Centre for European Studies and Andrei Aliaksandrau, who represents the organization Index on Censorship.
Session Moderators: Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, the director of Biełsat TV and dr. Marek Migalski, the Member of the European Parliament.
The working languages of the Conference are Polish, Belarusian and Russian.
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