February 20 – February 26, 2023
Society and political parties

Democratic forces increase international pressure on the regime as Tsikhanouskaya initiates action supporting Ukraine

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Democratic forces increase international pressure on the regime as Tsikhanouskaya initiates action supporting Ukraine
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Democrats are intensifying their campaign to delegitimise the Lukashenka regime internationally and initiate international prosecution for repression and complicity in Kremlin aggression against Ukraine. The leader of democratic Belarus has successfully established cooperation with the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

The leader of democratic Belarus, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, delivered harsh criticism of the Lukashenka regime during a speech at the OSCE, expressed solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and drew the attention of the international community to repression in Belarus.

The democratic agenda is gaining traction in western capitals. The EU declared Belarus a human rights policy priority for 2023, and the European Commission is considering the question of the passports of the new Belarus.

Tsikhanouskaya suggested creating an EU working group to monitor the implementation of sanctions. The United Transitional Cabinet (UTC) is lobbying against lifting sanctions imposed on businessmen in the potash industry aligned with Lukashenka.

Estonian Special Representative for Belarusian Democracy, Marko Kaplimaa, has started work in Lithuania.

Tsikhanouskaya maintains her leadership position and is seen by supporters of change as the primary Belarusian representative in negotiations with Ukraine. The broad coalition of forces led by Tsikhanouskaya and the Ukrainian delegation to the PACE agreed to cooperate in the international arena.

Belarusian democrats organised anti-war rallies worldwide on the anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine. Belarusians supporting Ukraine also took action in Belarus, despite the constant brutal repression of the regime against anti-war activists.

The UTC attempts to communicate with the Belarusian military and cultivate anti-war sentiment. However, Lukashenka responded by increasing the penalties for “treason”, complicating contacts with the military and officials.

The Coordination Council is endeavouring to exert greater influence on the news cycle following the expansion of its membership.

Guerrillas from the United Resistance Headquarters attacked the online infrastructure of the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus.

There is discussion among opposition political parties about the prospects for re-registration, given the continuous repression against democratic activists.

Democrats will continue to level harsh rhetoric at the Lukashenka regime and campaign for international delegitimisation in response to repression and a refusal to negotiate.

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January 20 – January 26
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