Belarusian Army Prepares for Urban Warfare

The Armed Forces of Belarus are transitioning to Russian combat training programs, modernized based on the war with Ukraine. Key elements include offensive and assault actions in urban environments. These changes also indicate the possible preparation of the Belarusian Armed Forces for participation in a new large-scale Russian offensive against Ukraine.
About a hundred Belarusian military instructors were trained in Russia. At a combat training center near Nizhny Novgorod, they were taught by Russians with experience in the wars in Ukraine, Chechnya, and Syria. Now, the specialists who have undergone retraining are passing on their experience within the Belarusian army.
In particular, Belarusian military personnel have adopted new exercises from the instructors — urban combat and trench assault. Previously, training programs in the Belarusian forces did not include these elements — the territory of the republic is mainly covered with forests, fields, and rivers. Accordingly, urban combat was not considered a priority. However, as the experience of modern conflicts has shown, major battles are conducted in settlements of various sizes, which, in turn, affects the tactics of unit preparation.
The basis of the new tactics involves “mosquito attacks” by scattered small tactical assault groups, as the use of drones makes it impossible to concentrate a large number of troops in one place.
Russian military, analyzing the negative experiences of the first months of the war with Ukraine, concluded that to conduct offensives in wooded areas and populated places, it is necessary to form units consisting of assault squads. Their tasks include capturing important facilities, enemy strong points (positions), or sectors of terrain, one or two blocks of a settlement.
Now, according to Belarusian military officials, personnel are being trained in “combat in urbanized areas.” Additionally, tank and artillery units have begun using mobile apps like AlpineQuest, Offline maps, and “Grozа” to speed up the work of units in delivering fire damage to the enemy.
Belarusian military also acknowledge the effectiveness of strike FPV drones. Currently, in the Belarusian army, servicemen are systematically trained to operate these devices. Specialists are also being prepared to assemble drones within their own units, to avoid dependency on the civilian production sector.
This experience was actively used by Belarusian servicemen during the spring readiness inspection of the 19th Mechanized Brigade (Slonim).
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Situation in Belarus