November 16 – November 22, 2015

"Tell the Truth!" is most prepared for 2016 parliamentary election campaign

The situation has not changed
"Tell the Truth!" is most prepared for 2016 parliamentary election campaign

Last week, ‘Tell the Truth!’ Republican Research and Educational Association was founded in Minsk, led by ex-presidential candidate Tatsiana Karatkevich and HQ headed by Andrei Dmitriev. ‘Tell the Truth’ is the first opposition structure to state that it has a vision of its activities until the 2020 presidential elections. After the 2015 presidential campaign, Tatsiana Karatkevich has become an opposition politician with the highest rating and having the potential to attract new population groups to the democratic camp – those who sympathize the idea of a ‘peaceful change’, but do not support ‘conventional’ opposition. ‘Tell the Truth’ is focusing on work with new supporters and does not engage in internal conflicts within the opposition camp; in addition, they were the first to initiate formation of an open list of candidates for the parliamentary elections. However, as the 2016 parliamentary elections draw closer, tension over lists of candidates between ‘Tell the Truth!’ and other opposition organizations may increase. Tatsiana Karatkevich is likely to remain the most popular opposition politician until the 2016 parliamentary campaign kicks off, which creates additional opportunities to build the widest possible list of candidates for the parliament.

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Situation in Belarus

December 16 – December 22
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