October 26 – November 1, 2015

Belarus, Russia sign foreign policy action plan for 2016-2017

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Belarus, Russia sign foreign policy action plan for 2016-2017

According to the Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs, one of the most important areas of cooperation for the two countries is their interaction on the UN platform. “The common goal for Belarus and Russia on the international arena is a search for solutions to global and regional issues,” he said. Another important issue on the bilateral agenda for the Belarusian and Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs is the foreign political support of the Eurasian integration process, said Vladimir Makei. In his words, Belarus, as the chair of the EEU in 2015, has introduced the draft resolution on granting the observer status in the UN General Assembly to the Eurasian Economic Union.

According to the Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs, one of the most important areas of cooperation for the two countries is their interaction on the UN platform. “The common goal for Belarus and Russia on the international arena is a search for solutions to global and regional issues,” he said. Another important issue on the bilateral agenda for the Belarusian and Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs is the foreign political support of the Eurasian integration process, said Vladimir Makei. In his words, Belarus, as the chair of the EEU in 2015, has introduced the draft resolution on granting the observer status in the UN General Assembly to the Eurasian Economic Union.
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