Three Little Lies of Tatsiana Karatkevich
In his column at Radio Svaboda website, political commentator Vital Tsyhankou questions three lies told by Karatkevich in some of her interviews.
In her interview to Euroradio after her first speech on Belarusian TV Karatkevich said that she did not used papers or a teleprompter in her speech. Tsyhankou accuses her of lies as it was obvious that she had read text prepared before.
In the same interview Karatkevich promised to make her second speech on TV in Belarusian. She later spoke only 3 out of 30 minutes in Belarusian.
Finally, when asked if the signature collectors for Karatkevich were paid, Karatkevich replied that they were not paid and that they were all volunteers. Tsyhankou accuses her of lies and names the exact price for one signature in Karatkevich’s campaign – 5 thousand Belarusian rubles (about $0.25).
Tsyhankou concludes that Karatkevich starts to lose her credibility in his eyes.
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