May 25 – May 31, 2015

"Belaya Rus" will not become party of power soon

The situation has not changed
"Belaya Rus" will not become party of power soon

On May 18th, 64-year-old Alexander Radkov was released of his duties as Presidential Aide for health reasons. On December 20th, 2014 Radkov was demoted from the first deputy of the Presidential Administration to the Assistant to the President. Radkov still heads “Belaya Rus” quango, which unites public officials and claims to be the “party of power.” “Belaya Rus” plays a significant role in organising and holding election campaigns, it dominates in the election commissions. “Belaya Rus” role in the election process and its possible ‘dialogue’ with the authorities as representing civil society may also prompt the president to replace Radkov as the head of “Belaya Rus”. However, the new head is unlikely to out-weight Radkov.

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