December 8 – December 14, 2014

Human Rights and High Technologies – sharing Dutch, Polish and Belarusian experience

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Human Rights and High Technologies – sharing Dutch, Polish and Belarusian experience

To mark International Human Rights Day, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Res Publica Foundation together organise the seminar “Human Rights and High Technologies – sharing Dutch, Polish and Belarusian experience” on 11 December. You may follow the proceedings online.

Polish, Belarusian and Dutch partners are involved in seminar, which will take place on Thursday 11 December from 14.00 – 17.15 (16.00 – 21.00 Minsk time) hours followed by a reception.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organizes a trilateral conference on Belarus every year at a date close to International Human Rights Day. They do so in order to show solidarity with the country and to promote innovative approaches towards protection and promotion of human rights.

The theme of this year’s annual event is “Human Rights in relation to high technologies”. The internet fosters freedom of expression, political participation and democratic processes. But it also has a dark side: countries actively follow activists’ online movements to track them down and to prosecute them. It is therefore important to strike a balance between promoting national and international digital security on one side and internet freedom on the other. Digital freedoms and cyber security strengthen each other only when they are addressed together.

The conference will be held at the Embassy of the Kingdom Netherlands in Warsaw.

You are welcomed to join us online and participate actively in proceedings:


14.00–14.30 Arrival coffee

14.30–14.35 Welcome by HE Ambassador Paul P. J. Bekkers

14.35–14.45 Framing the debate: Wojciech Przybylski, Res Publica Nowa


I session: Intersection of Human Rights and High Technologies: how do active citizens act upon the state in innovative ways?
Michał Dżoga (Director of Corporate Affairs, CEE Region, Intel),
Daan Eijwoudt (Policy Officer, Depapartment of the Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands),
Artiom Kontsevoi (Founder,,
Jarosław Lipszyc (President, Modern Poland Foundation),
moderated by Anna Wójcik, Visegrad Insight

15.45–16.00 Coffee break

16.00–17.00 II session:
The Digital Toolkit for democracy: How does a group of individuals become a movement?

Mark van Embden Andres (Advocacy Director, Elva Community Engagement),
Alaksiej Carniajeu (Chairman, IT Aid),
Róża Rzeplińska (President, Association 61),
Marek Tuszyński (Co-Founder and Creative Director, Tactical Tech)

17.00–17.15 Summary

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