May 12 – May 18, 2014

Belarus: Ice-Hockey and Human Rights | Press Conference, Warsaw, May 16th

The situation has not changed
Belarus: Ice-Hockey and Human Rights | Press Conference, Warsaw, May 16th

The World Ice-Hockey Championships are being held in Belarus, a country regularly accused of human rights violations, from May 9th-25th, 2014. Sporting events are often used by non-democratic leaders to demonstrate their own authority and promote their country, but what do Belarusians think about the World Hockey Championships? What consequences does it have for human rights, opposition and other civic activists? What role can NGOs, the media, and the international community play?

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Solidarity with Belarus Information Office and the Polish Journalists’ Association invite you to apress conference on Friday, May 16th, 10 am at Dom Dziennikarza (ul Foksal 3/5, Warsaw) in the conference room on the first floor to discuss these questions with representatives from:

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee (Minsk)

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (Minsk)

Viasna Human Rights Centre (Minsk)

Solidarity with Belarus Information Office (Warsaw)

Working languages: Russian/Polish.

This event is open to all, however we kindly ask you to register in advance (just follow the link).


Olga Salomatova, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (+48 504 080 218), Russian, Polish.

Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (+48 504 080 152). Polish, English.

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