January 13 – January 19, 2014

Job cuts in economy are expected in 2014

The situation has not changed
Job cuts in economy are expected in 2014

In accordance with the governmental forecast, workforce reduction by 70 thousand is expected in enterprises in 2014. The fact of the excessive number of staff is confirmed by the executives of enterprises themselves.

The figures of proposed job cuts will not be reached for two reasons. The idea is to create 47 thousand new high-performing jobs for dismissed employees, which is unfeasible. And the upcoming presidential campaign in 2015, whereby the escalation of social tensions in society is unacceptable, will serve as a deterrent. Jobs will be cut only in extreme cases (economic insolvency). The alternative option will be less noticeable incremental reduction in the number of staff under the pretext of the growth of wages of remaining employees of the enterprise.

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