Eastern Partnership Journalism Prize 2012

We invite you to participate in a second edition of a unique and extraordinary contest for reporters, The Eastern Partnership Journalism Prize 2012.
If you are a journalist from one of the countries of Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and you feel you are devoted to the issues of democracy, human rights, the fight against abuse of power, if you think that the rapprochement with the European Union is the right path to development, and also believe in the journalistic sense of mission then announce your candidacy and take part in the competition.
Reporters Foundation in Warsaw and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Polish cordially invite you to participate in the competition for outstanding journalism.
You can win a grand prize of 10.000 PLN (about 2.400 euro) or two awards of 5.000. PLN (about 1.200 euros).
Work in any genre should be sent together with a translation into Russian or English by e-mail: prize2012@fundacjareporterow.pl.
The deadline is 10 October 2012.
In early November, the finalists will be selected. They will be invited to the grand finale held in Poland. Preferred subjects include: investigative journalism, human rights and combating discrimination, democracy and civil society, the cooperation of the region with the European Union.
The work must meet the criteria of journalistic material in one of the main species (press, radio, television, internet) and must be published in the public domain in any medium or after 1st January 2012.
Competition rules available on our website fundacjareporterów.pl.
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