Wages. Mogilev region
Nominal average monthly salary in Mogilev was Br 1320.6 thousand in January-March 2011, Br 1383.5 thousand in March. The growth rate compared with the corresponding period in 2010 is 145.6% and 144.2 %; compared with February, March wages in the region increased by Br 86, 6 thousand, or by 6.7%.
Mogilev region wins the first place in the wage’s growth rate in January-March 2011 and is followed by Brest, Vitebsk and Grodno regions.
The average salary in the region, despite of the best efforts of the regional authorities, remains lower than the level set up by the President ($ 500). Calculated by the National Bank exchange rate, the average salary in Mogilev is about $ 440. Calculated by the black market rate ($ 1 = Br3800), the average salary in the region makes just over $ 360. On the eve of the Presidential elections in 2010 Mogilev was the most depressed economic region, with the lowest average salary in the country. The growth of average wages shows yet pre-election commitment of the regional authorities to correct the situation in this regard. In spite of all the efforts of the local government, de facto wages in the Mogilev region have not yet reached the ideological ceiling of $ 500.
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