Anatol Lyabedzka
Opposition leaders debates on Belsat
April 22, 2016
Oppositionists Statkevich, Lyabedzka, and Niakliajeu fined for rallying in Minsk
April 22, 2016
Niakliajeu and Statkevich summoned to court
April 22, 2016
Opposition activists call to boycott ’farce’
April 22, 2016
Lyabedzka proposes boycotting of the presidential campaign
April 22, 2016
Leader of the United Civic Party gathers propositions at finding a new job for Alexander Lukashenka
April 22, 2016
Head of Central Election Committee thinks that Lukashenka did not open an election campaign account because he does not have time
April 22, 2016
Presidential candidate Anatol Lyabedzka answers ex-political prisoner Iryna Khalip
April 22, 2016
Anatol Lyabedzka collected signatures protesting against privileges
April 22, 2016
Presidential campaign in Belarus: fewer potential candidates than in 2010
April 22, 2016
Political prisoner Statkevich has become common denominator in ’Coalition for Non-recognition’
April 22, 2016
Encroaching economic crisis prompts Belarusian authorities to schedule presidential elections in October
April 22, 2016
Belarusian opposition divided into three blocks ahead of 2015 presidential elections
April 22, 2016
"Coalition for non-recognition" to insure Belarusian election results
April 22, 2016
Two main opposition alliances form ahead of presidential campaign in Belarus
April 22, 2016