

Changes in financial policy stimulate industrial production

Changes in financial policy stimulate industrial production

April 22, 2016
Current accounts situation in Belarus is critical

Current accounts situation in Belarus is critical

April 22, 2016
National Bank fails to increase Belarusians’ ruble savings

National Bank fails to increase Belarusians’ ruble savings

April 22, 2016
National Bank frets over consumer loans

National Bank frets over consumer loans

April 22, 2016
Interbank market is back to volatile stability

Interbank market is back to volatile stability

April 22, 2016
Belarus attempts to replenish its international reserves at China’s expense

Belarus attempts to replenish its international reserves at China’s expense

April 22, 2016
Deposit market interest rates grow competing for customers

Deposit market interest rates grow competing for customers

April 22, 2016
National Bank holds on to national currency deposits

National Bank holds on to national currency deposits

April 22, 2016
Marginal retail loans’ rate could save from problems with individual loans

Marginal retail loans’ rate could save from problems with individual loans

April 22, 2016
Government chooses between stagnation and devaluation

Government chooses between stagnation and devaluation

April 22, 2016
The National Bank attempts to keep BYR afloat

The National Bank attempts to keep BYR afloat

April 22, 2016
Accumulation of savings in foreign exchange is a devaluation expectations indicator

Accumulation of savings in foreign exchange is a devaluation expectations indicator

April 22, 2016
Suspended oil revenues resulted in problems on the currency market

Suspended oil revenues resulted in problems on the currency market

April 22, 2016
Belarus Repays Obligations in Foreign Currency Ahead of Schedule

Belarus Repays Obligations in Foreign Currency Ahead of Schedule

April 22, 2016
The National Bank continues the policy of reducing interest rates and flexible exchange rate management

The National Bank continues the policy of reducing interest rates and flexible exchange rate management

April 22, 2016
National Bank’s discount rate reduced

National Bank’s discount rate reduced

April 22, 2016
The banking system of Belarus

The banking system of Belarus

April 22, 2016
The government plans to reach a balanced exchange rate in October

The government plans to reach a balanced exchange rate in October

April 22, 2016
Narrowing the field for borrowing

Narrowing the field for borrowing

April 22, 2016
Sale of mineral resources as an alternative to privatization

Sale of mineral resources as an alternative to privatization

April 22, 2016
The new head of the National Bank of Belarus and changes in the monetary policy

The new head of the National Bank of Belarus and changes in the monetary policy

April 22, 2016
Progressive tightening of the monetary policy

Progressive tightening of the monetary policy

April 22, 2016
Credit portfolio of commercial banks deteriorated

Credit portfolio of commercial banks deteriorated

April 22, 2016
Tightening of the monetary policy

Tightening of the monetary policy

April 22, 2016
Reduction of deposits

Reduction of deposits

April 22, 2016
Allotment of loans is sharply reduced

Allotment of loans is sharply reduced

April 22, 2016
Belarusian negotiations with Russia on strategic assets become tougher

Belarusian negotiations with Russia on strategic assets become tougher

April 22, 2016